Thursday, January 1, 2009

Call for Volunteer Timers @ 2009 Jr Pan Pacs in Guam

As you know, Guam is co-hosting the 2009 Jr. Pan Pacific Championships 1/8-12/2009. We need volunteer timers and officials for both the pool session (1/8-11 at Leo Palace) and the open water swim (1/12 in front of Outrigger).

This is a great opportunity to see the next generation of world class swimmers with VIP seating!

If you shall be available, please fill out this form, which includes the detailed schedule, and email back to Dan or Nob.

Looking forward to see you on the deck!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Official's Clinic with Don Blew

FINA Technical Official, Don Blew will conduct an officials clinic on Saturday (12/6) and on Monday-Wednesday (12/8-10) evenings. Please try to have your budding team officials attend! Actual start time & venue will be announced during the swim meet on Saturday 12/6.

This is a great opportunity to gain valuable knowledge of our sport from one of the top officials in the world. See ya there!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Board

At the GSF Board meeting last night, by majority vote, Dan O’Keeffe was elected President and Michael Ysrael was elected Vice President of the Guam Swimming Federation to take effect from July 1st, 2008 until June 30th 2010.

Congratulations to both Dan and Mike and very best of luck taking the Federation forward into the new season!

Greg Schulte

Out-going President

Monday, February 25, 2008

Monthly Board Meeting

February board meeting will take place March 3rd. See you there...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Monthly Board Meeting

January monthly meeting at Titan Realty 1/22 starting 6:30pm...see you there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monthly Board Meeting

September 17, Monday 6:30pm @Titan Realty .... If there is anything you would like placed on the agenda, kindly forward to Greg’s attention.

Call for New Zealand!

Oceania Swimming Association is calling for officials to assist at the 2008 Oceania Open Water Swimming Championships to be held in New Zealand in February 2008. For more information click here. If you are interested, contact Greg!